the worlds top 20 laptop brands?
9Ibm thinkpad
16Packard bell
There are very few figures showing worldwide laptop sales rankings. However, the most popular brands are generally regarded to be (in alphabetical order):
in my opinion dell because they are long lasting and reliable but if you dont mind spending a little bit more get alianware even though it is now owned by dell they are the fastest most reliable and allround best laptop that i can think of even though a friend a while ago said a make called rock or somthing along those lines but they are very expencive hope this helps Daniel
According to the number of units sold between 2009 and 2011, the top ten most popular laptops include Sony, Dell, Toshiba, Acer, Asus, HP, Gateway, Apple, Lenovo, and Samsung. Each of these brands offers multiple models to fit a variety of needs, so it is best to identify the specific qualities that you desire before committing to a new laptop.
Tech Radar recently published an article listing the top 25 ultra portable laptops. Among the top 10 companies were: Lenovo (IdeaPad U410), Toshiba (Satellite Z930), HP (Envy TouchSmart), and Apple (MacBook Air).
A website called CNET made a review of what they kind are the top 5 best laptops and where to get them. For more information on this, visit:
There are a lot of great laptops on the market today. The top 10 will vary slightly depending on who you ask. According to PC Mag, the top laptops of 2011 were the Asus Zenbook, the HP Pavilion, the Apple MacBook Pro, and the Dell Inspiron.
Dell, Toshiba, and HP are top brands in laptops and in the market top ranking. They are top ranking in durability, mobility and the processing speed and performance of the laptop itself.
Laptops & Notebooks Review - PC Magazine Laptop, Notebook & Netbook reviews, specifications, price comparisons, editor's ratings & bargain hunts to help you find one that suits your needs from ... The Top 10 Best Laptops - Top 5 Business Laptops - How to Buy a Laptop The Top 10 Best Laptops | - PC Magazine,2817,2369981,00.asp 7 Dec 2011 " Do you want to buy a laptop, but are daunted by the sheer number of ... The Lenovo ThinkPad X220 takes top honors among tablet PCs, ...
Apple's MacBook Air and MacBook Pro always make the top two spots on the best laptops each year. The Air starts out at $1,498, the Pro at $1,698. The Samsung Series 7 is also a current highly rated Windows 7 model starting at $1,249. HP Pavilions round out the top 10 list starting at around $400.
laptops are useful, portable and helpful these 3 words describe laptops
I think top rate laptops should be expensive. The best laptop in the world must be extremely expensive because it's the best. Laptops will only get more advanced as time goes on.
There are a number of different metrics that various agencies use to rank the best laptops. These include processor speed, memory, cost and functionality. However, there are a number of lists available that one could peruse to find the top 10 laptops on the market. One such site can be found at the following web address:,2817,2369981,00.asp.
Toshiba laptops come in all different sizes, from 10" to 18".
there are many times of laptops to consider ,knowing that your looking is playing games you don't know look for an expensive laptops ,and for so you could choose a laptop with processor of dual core and memory of 4GB and hard drive of 500MG and these you could find them in : dell ,HP, Toshiba, APPLE, LEVEON .
When it comes to laptops there are a vast amount of them. I used a website called PCWorld to find the top rated laptops. Then I used a website called tigerdirect, newegg and G-shopping to compare prices. They ranged from 900$ to 1300$