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Diving board I think

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Q: What is the thing you jump off to dive in the pool?
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Related questions

What are some games to play in a pool?

This is my favorite pool game: Jump Spin or Dive- Jump in off the side of a pool or off a diving board and some one calls out either jump spin or dive and the person on the board does the dive they call out! You can change the jumps or dives to something else like, pencil, swan dive or spin or whatever you want. The caller calls the jump right after the jumper jumps off the board! I hope you really enjoy this game as much as I do!

How do you get the thing off the beaver's head on time tangled island?

When the beaver pops out and you jump after it, it will dive down. When it comes up jump after it, make dive down, land(of course), then jump to the top and the beaver pops up and you get the stone bowl.

Why do olympic divers enter a second pool of water after they dive?

to col off

Can you dive over the bar in high jump?

no you cant dive over! it is feet first. Yes, You may dive over the bar, but only if you go off of one foot. The only restriction in the high jump is that you must leave the ground on one foot.

Do people swim or scuba dive in the Pacific Ocean?

possibly, i would if i had to jump off the titanic

When is the next Nintendo event for Pokemon Diamond and Pearl in Maine?

bugger off i would just go to japan or jump in a whil pool bugger off go jump in a whirl pool or GO TO JJAAPPAANN

If you're pregnant should you go to the deep end of a swimming pool?

No reason not too. I am not sure I would dive off the high dive and do a belly flop, but swimming is good for you.

Why in swim meets do you dive of swim blocks?

You dive off the blocks at swim meets because it is faster. When you dive off of them you get more momentum rather than just pushing off the wall. Also it gives the crowd a chance to see all the competitors and what school and lane they represent rather than in the pool.

Can you sky dive in the Grand Canyon?

Can you bungee jump off the skyway bridge in Tampa. no. you cant skydive in the grand canyon.

How do you beat the dive chalenge in Zelda ocarina of time?

Easy, you just jump off the waterfall and grab all the rupees down ther with your dive command. it should apear on the (a) button. Have fun trying. Zeldafreak789

How fast do swimmers dive off the block?

when you dive off a block, it should not be more than 2 seconds. when you dive, you must dive through your legs, like jumping off of it.

What is the proper distance a pool should be from the house?

If your zoning board has no restrictions as to how far a pool needs to be from a structure then my advice would be place the pool far enough away from anything that a person might jump off of. example, trees ( besides the cleanup in the pool caused by them) patio roof, sheds, house poles. Remembering when i was a kid we had a pool that we could jump off the patio roof into the pool. My brother did this and ended up splitting the metal side of the pool and ended up swimming in the back yard