Fort: is from Latin Fortis meaning 'strong.
It is a bulding ( / buildings) built in order to defend an area
against attack.
Fortress is from Old French Fortresse / fotrlesse meaning, 'a
Strong Place'
Fortress is a Building OR PLACE that has been made
Stronger & Protected against attack.
Only a subtle difference. People use them interchangeably.
Sometimes the fort becomes a part of a large Portress.
It was a french fortress built in 1713
At the end of Peninsula Virginia. Its name's Fort Monroe or Fortress Monroe.
A large fort; a set of buildings defended by walls and battlements.
fort fortress bulwark citadel strongghold chateau turret palace
Fort Eben-Emael .
no they aren't
Fort Vicksburg
yes it does
It was a french fortress built in 1713
At the end of Peninsula Virginia. Its name's Fort Monroe or Fortress Monroe.
One is Fort Worth and one is Dallas.
Fort Wood
Fort Vicksburg
A place of defense; a fortress; a garrison; a fortress; a garrison or guardhouse.
The root "fort" means strong or secure. It is commonly seen in words such as fortress, fortify, and fortitude.
fortress, keep, camp, tower, catle, garrison, stronghold, citadel
A large fort; a set of buildings defended by walls and battlements.