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It symbolizes pain. The person with tbe eye tattooed like a clown has been hurt by loss and is hiding his tears so no one can see the pain in his eyes that everyone can see without the "permanent makeup"

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Q: What is the symbol of an eye tattooed like a clown?
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Can you get your eye ball tattooed?

Surprisingly, yes. Painful I know, luckily nobody has asked me to tattoo their eye ball

What does it mean when someone has a black dot tattooed on their cheek right under their eye?

I don't remember the exact logistics of it.. but it's probably a teardrop. It's a gang symbol - members get a teardrop under their eye after they killed somebody. There's more details of it, like a red one means something different than a black one, but I don't remember all of that.

What does the eye on David Blaine's hand mean?

check google. i heard the eye symbol protects you from the evil eye, negative energy. i think the eye symbol represents the eye of horus. also the illuminati use the eye symbol, but there eye symbol is in a triangle and it is called the all seeing eye.

Meaning of eye symbol?

The eyes symbol sign is a very common sign with the Illuminati: the eye of Horus. The eye symbol signs basically means the informed ones, people who see the world from the third perspective.

What is the meaning of a pyramid tattoo with the all seeing eye?

The pyramid itself was seen as literally a stairway to the heavens. Egyptian rulers viewed themselves as Gods and the completed pyramid served as a symbol of their ascent to the above. The uncompleted pyramid such as that shown on the US dollar bill was a symbol of a country that was a work in progress. The "all seeing eye" would be borrowed from the Eye of Horus (an Egyptian god) and traditionally serves as a symbol of protection.

Related questions

Does Adam Lambert have a tatto?

Yes, he has the Egyptian Eye of Horus symbol tattooed on the inside of his right wrist.

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Can you get your eye ball tattooed?

Surprisingly, yes. Painful I know, luckily nobody has asked me to tattoo their eye ball

What does it mean when someone has a black dot tattooed on their cheek right under their eye?

I don't remember the exact logistics of it.. but it's probably a teardrop. It's a gang symbol - members get a teardrop under their eye after they killed somebody. There's more details of it, like a red one means something different than a black one, but I don't remember all of that.

What is the meaning of small dots tattooed completely around the eye sockets?

Stupid canvas

What does the eye on David Blaine's hand mean?

check google. i heard the eye symbol protects you from the evil eye, negative energy. i think the eye symbol represents the eye of horus. also the illuminati use the eye symbol, but there eye symbol is in a triangle and it is called the all seeing eye.

What is the symbol for eye safety?

The owl is often used as a symbol for eye safety.

What do the crosses on the clowns eye's mean?

Non-Human Clown

What channel on a TV is the channel with the symbol of an eye?

The eye symbol is the corporate logo of CBS.

Eye in the palm symbol?

The eye in palm is an occult symbol referring to divination and palmistry

Can you get your tongue tattooed?

Yes. It is possible tattoo even eye! Just be careful. Find the best artist.

What are the risks of doing an eye tattoo?

There are many risks associated of doing an eye tattoo. These include losing the sight in the eye being tattooed, severe bruising and severe infections that can spread.