West Coast- (1gram of tree is about the size of a 3D quarter)
Street :
1gram = $10 (10sac,dime)
1/8ounce = 3.5grams = $30 (dub)
1/4ounce = 7grams = $60 (a quarter,quad)
1/2ounce = 14grams = $100 (a half)
1ounce = 28grams = $200 (zip,onion,O)
1pound = 16ounces = $3000
Club :
1gram = $20
1/8 = $55
1/4 = $105
1/2 = $200
1ounce = $375
1 pound = NA
for medium grade marijuana it is around 15$ for and eighth of an ounce
In the street
Weed is a slang (or street, rather) term for marijuana.
a kind of marijuana or a street name for the drug Datura
Smoking marijuana
what is the street value on hydrooxzy 50
21 Jump Street - 1987 Raising Marijuana 2-19 was released on: USA: 17 April 1988
Marijuana is officially a natural plant. But there are types that involve chemicals (what is called a nice guy on the street and more)
Pot is street slang for marijuana, otherwise known as cannabis.
Street Value was created on 1991-07-21.
It is sometimes used for very minor musculoskeletal pain in Opioid Addicted patients.