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In animals, it's glycogen. In plants, it's starch.

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Q: What is the storage polysaccharide?
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Is startch a polysaccharide?

Starch is a storage polysaccharide. it is found in plants in the form of amylose and in the form of amylopectin.

A polysaccharide used by plants for food storage?


Is saccharide a monosaccharide?

yes ,Glycogen is a polysaccharide. It is a major storage form of carbohydrate in animal.found mainly in liver and muscle.It is a highly branched form of amylopectin .Alfa-1,6 branching point is occur every eight to ten D- glucose residues.

What is The storage polysaccharide that is found in Plants?

Starch, a polymer of glucose, is used as a storage polysaccharide in plants. It is found in the form of amylose and the branched amylopectin.

Starch grains are the storage form of polysaccharide Where would you expect to find them?

Starch grains are the storage form of polysaccharide. You would find them in the chloroplasts. The double membrane bound organelle that is not the site of cellular respiration is chloroplasts.

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What good are polysaccharide?

In animals, they are primarily energy storage molecules, although there are a lot of polysaccharide chains that do many extremely important jobs on the membranes of body cells. In plants, they are not only very important food storage molecules (starch), they also serve as structural materials (cellulose) and components in wood.

What carbohydrate is the main storage substance in a plant?

in the form of the polysaccharide starch

What is the structure and biological function of one structural and one storage polysaccharide?

Polysaccharides are mainly used for energy storage because they are big, and are able to shift into sugars if needed.

What is The main function of glycogen is?

A carbohydrate storage molecule in animals that can be accessed faster than fat molecules.Glycogen is a multibranched polysaccharide that serves as a form of energy storage in animals and fungi.