The prone position is where the shooter lays flat on their stomache with the rifle pointed toward the target. The prone position is the steadiest and most comfortable of the shooting positions
From a benchrest, with supports. However, if you mean firing without external equipment, prone. Next steadiest- sitting, then kneeling, standing supported. Standing, offhand is the least steady position.
Firing from a benchrest. Next most stable is prone, followed by sitting, then kneeling. Standing unsupported is the least steady.
The four rifle shooting positions are standiing, sitting, kneeling, and prone.
Prone or from a benchrest.
The silver medalist in the Women's 50 Metre Rifle Three Positions event at the Rio 2016 Olympics was Binbin Zhang.
Standing, prone, kneeling, sitting.
The gold medal winner in the Women's 50 Metre Rifle Three Positions event at the Rio 2016 Olympics was Barbara Engleder.
Standing, Sitting, Kneeling, Prone
Standing offhand, kneeling, sitting, prone.
Germany is the country that won the gold medal in women's 50 metre rifle three positions at the Rio 2016 Olympics.The winning German athlete was Barbara Engleder.
The bronze medal winner in the Women's 50 Metre Rifle Three Positions event at the Rio 2016 Olympics was Li Du.
The country that won the bronze medal in the Women's 50 Metre Rifle Three Positions event at the Rio 2016 Olympics was China.