"The star rating of Hotel Zaza is a 4 out of 5 stars. That's a fairly good rating. If I were looking at staying in that hotel, from the ratings being so high I would probably stay there."
The Hotel Zaza is not located in the UK. However there is a Hotel Zaza in Dallas & Houston in Texas, USA. They also have another Hotel Zaza being built in Austin, Texas. The Hotel Zaza in Dallas, Texas has a 4 star rating.
A hotel rating is generally provided through reviews by the general public. There appears to be a few hotels with the name Atlantis Hotel and they each seem to carry a 4 star rating. This rating would have been acquired by a number of people rating the hotel and the average rating of all reviews provides this hotel a 4 star rating.
The star rating for the Orchard Hotel in Singapore is four out of five stars. The number rating is 3.9 out of five or 7.8 out of ten, giving it the 4 star average.
The Amsterdam American Hotel is considered a four star hotel. It received a four star rating on TripAdvisor, Orbitz and Venere. It was given a four and a half stars on Expedia and the Hotel Club.
"I found two Hotel ZaZa's in Texas. One is in Houston and the other in Dallas. The Hotel ZaZa blends the very best of business travel with the luxury, comfort and theatrical style of a destination resort."
Riverside hotel in Killarney have received a 4 star rating from customers on both Hotels and Venere websites. They have also received good reviews and a 4 star rating on Expedia.
Hotel Costes is located on the Rue St. Honore in Paris, France. It has a 3.5/5 star rating on TripAdvisor, a 4/5 star rating on About, and a 3.5/5 star rating on Yelp.
A luxury hotel is the Anandha Hotel, 4 star rating. Or the Dune Eco Beach, also 4 star. The Ginger is a 3 star hotel
Four star means it is a rating out of five
The Hershey Hotel is a nice hotel. They have a four star rating and many great amenities.
Most hotels are rated by star ratings. deluxe hotels have a 4 or 5 star rating. They have a resturant, bar and room service. Just because a hotel has a 2 or 3 star rating does not mean that it is a bad hotel
it means whether the hotel accommodation is satisfactory, poor or excellent.