well, when he's nailing mrs. clause, about 200 mph! And 500 mph when he's doing the elves.
The speed of Santa Claus is traditionally believed to be faster than the speed of light, allowing him to deliver presents to all children around the world in one night. This magical ability is not bound by the laws of physics.
As Mrs. Santa Claus is a fictional character, her weight is not specified. In folklore and depictions, she is typically portrayed as a plump and jolly figure, reflecting characteristics associated with Santa Claus himself.
um santa clause weighs about well you can't really know because the scale doesnt have enough numbers due to all the cookies and milk you cruel kids leave out for santa clause just to get him fatter. Why don't kids leave out something less fattening like maybe some GIFTS or MONEY. Like for crying out loud he gives you all these amazing gifts, like for real i can't stress enough how fat he's getting we can hardly pull him anymore! love, Santa's reindeers ( no not Rudolph )
Mrs. Claus weighs 155 pounds or 70.31 kilograms.
Angels are often depicted as able to travel at incredible speeds, essentially instantaneously appearing wherever they are needed. Their movement is not bound by physical limitations like time or distance, allowing them to travel at the speed of thought or simply through divine will.
The future tense for "speed" is "will speed" or "is going to speed".
3. The Santa Claus, The Santa Claus 2, and The Santa Claus 3: The Escape Claus
Karen was santa Claus wife in santa Claus
In Scottish, Santa Claus is often referred to as "Father Christmas" or "Santa Claus" as well.
There are 2 words in "Santa Claus."
The address of the Santa Claus Museum is: 41 N Kringle Pl, Santa Claus, IN 47579
it is believed that Koreans do not believe in ''santa Claus'' but they do believe in the Claus of santa
No, Santa Claus is not single.
Esposa de Santa Claus (Lit; Wife of Santa Claus).
Mom and Santa ClausNo, your mom is not Santa Claus because Santa Claus is a she
#santa clause is coming to town!# =) "Here Comes Santa Claus" "Zat You, Santa Claus?"
Santa Claus