Todos toman cerveza
cervezas para todos!
tengamos una cerveza
no hay cerveza no hay trabajo
Translation: Tómate una cerveza fría. However, this is only a literal translation - i.e. to tell someone that they should drink some beer. It does not carry the idiomatic meaning of "cool off" or "relax a bit".
In Spanish, you do not say "Yo estoy frio". That literally means "I am cold", but it is not the normal way to express the sentiment. "Tengo frío" literally means "I have cold", but the translation would be "I am cold".
the Spanish word for 'beer' is 'cerveza'cerveza
"To write" in Spanish is "escribir". It is pronounced "es-cree-BEER". Please see this site for confirmation of the translation:
No is the translation of not in spanish.
The beer. (beer is a feminine word in Spanish)
Los domingos no se vende cerveza. Los domingos no hay venta de cerveza.
Tagalog Translation of BEER: serbesa