The solution to Soukoban Level 33 is D2, L2, U1, L1, U2, R1, L1, D2, R1, U1, D2, R2, U2, L1, D1, R1, U3, R2, D1, R1, D2, L2, R2, U2, L1, U1, L2, D3, L3, U1, R2, D1, R1, U2, D2, R3, U2, L1, D1, L1, U1, R2, D3, L1, U2, L1, U1, L1, D1, L1, D1, R1, L3, U3, R1, AND D2. D means down, L is left, U is up, and R is right.
Personaly I found Level 63 difficult to start with. I could not figure out how not to get stuck on the first moves. Finally I arrived to this solution: 1 right 1 down 1 left 2 down 1 right 1 up From there I coult start moving through the path: 2 right 4 down 3 right 5 up 1 right etc. and start packing. You might arrive on some problems at the end. Be careful. Good luck. Julio.
The letters means the direction to move (U:up, D:down, L:left,R:right)-the digit means the count of steps First prepare the left side: L 2U 2R 1D 1R 3D 3R 2U 1L 1U 1R 3D 3L 2U 1R 1L 1U 1R 2L 1U 2L 2D 2R 1U 2R 1U 1L Now you can move the Box on the right side into the permanent place. Then take the rest one by one on the right side an then to it's permanent Place Gerald
I will show you how to set up the boxes, from there it should be easy to place them.
1D 2R 2L 4D 2L 2D 2R 1U 2R 2D 1R 1D 2R 1U 1L 3U 1R 2U 1R 2U 1L 1U 2L 1D 3U 5L 3D Fill up the dots bottom row first, then next row. After that, Place a box over the dot on the left of the empty space. Should be simple after that.
There is a error and there is no solution of it...:)
L1U2R1U2L1U1R1D3L1U1R1U2L2D1R1D4R3U2L1U1L2U2R1D1L1D4R3U2L2R2D2L3U4R1 U1L1D3R1U2D2L1D2L2U2R1L1D2R2U3R1U1L1
I have just found out a workaround for level 93:Fix for Soukoban level 93 problem.To move on to puzzle 94 close out Soukoban and run regedit.Go to "HKEY_CURRENT_USER" then "Software" then "Soukoban".In "Config" double click on "cfg"and change Value data: to 5d .Then double click on "cfg2"and change Value data: to 5e .Close out regedit and open Soukoban and you will be on puzzle 94.IF YOU DO NOT KONW MUCH ABOUT THE REGISTRY AND YOU TRY THISAND CHANGE THE WRONG THING YOU CAN KILL YOUR COMPUTER.BE CAREFULL !!!!!!!!!GOOD LUCK.
Power Soukoban happened in 1999.
Power Soukoban was created on 1999-01-01.
Solution: d3, L1, U1, R1, U2, L3, D1, L1, R1, U1, R3, D2, L2, U1, L2, D1, R1, L1, D1, L2, U2, R2, L2, U2, R1, D1, L1, D2, R1
l , d , d , u , u , r , r , r , d , l , d , l , d , l , r , u , r , u , u , l , d , d , u , l , d
L2 U2 L1 U2 R1 L1 D2 R1 U1 L1 U3 R3 D1 R2 D2 L4 R4 U2 L3 U1 L2 D3 R1 D1 R2 >>> Do the same. xauyala
Hippoppotas evolves by level. Get it to level 34.
Staravia evolves into Staraptor at level 34.
between level 34 and 40
LEVEL 25 D1 R3 U2 D3 U3 R3 D4 L3 U2 L3 U2 R3 L2 D1 L1 D1 R1 U2 R2 D4 R3 U2 L1 D1 R1 D1 L1 R1 U4 L3 R3 D2 L1 U1 R1 U1 L1