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Christmas stocking

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Q: What is the sock that hangs by the chimey?
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A sock that hangs by the chimney is call?

A sock that hangs by the chimney is called a Christmas stocking. Traditionally, these stockings are hung by children in the hopes that Santa Claus will fill them with small gifts and treats on Christmas Eve. The practice dates back to the legend of St. Nicholas, who was said to have left coins in the stockings of three poor sisters to help them marry.

What is chimey?

is when a regular person looks like if he or she is special. talk like a retard. like piggy wiggy and her boyfriend

What is an ankle sock?

An ankle sock is a short sock which covers the foot and ankle.

What can you make with a sock?

sock puppets

Is it soc or sock you in the mouth?

It is sock.

Do you have a sock?

Yes, I do in fact have a sock

What does it mean if you put on sock sock shoe shoe?

It means left sock, right sock, left shoe, right shoe

How is a sock and a monkey similar?

both a sock and a monkey have mass, both a sock and a monkey tend to be soft, and both a sock and a monkey are solid. Both a sock and a monkey tend to be furry.

French word for sock?

sock - chaussette socks - chaussettes

What are the nouns in the sentence your sock has a hole in it?

The nouns in the sentence "your sock has a hole in it" are: sock, hole.