"The Secret Language of Girls" By Frances O'Roark Dowell takes place in South Carolina in the begining of the school year
The setting of the book The Secret School is a small Colorado town in the 1920's.
a city That You know
The setting is in Pennsylvania.
The setting in the book "The Secret in the Old Attic" is mainly in an old attic of a house, where the characters discover hidden secrets and mysteries from the past.
First India, then she moves to England.
No, The Secret Club isn't a fantasy book but a book about real types of girls with real problems to solve.
The Secret of the Caves is largely set in Bayport and Rockaway. The book was written by Franklin W. Dixon, and published in 1929.
In a volcano, on a secret island that no one knows the corrinates of.
There is no universal "secret language of girls." Communication styles and preferences vary among individuals and are not determined by gender. It is important to listen to and communicate openly with the girls in your life to truly understand and connect with them.
Westchester, New York. The girls' hometown
yes, its called "The Girl Code: The Secret Language of Single Women (On Dating, Sex, Shopping, and Honor Among Girlfriends)" written by Diane Farr.