The scope of development administration is that it is in charge of development. It has to deal with the policies, projects, programs, and plans to create sites that achieve their socio-economic goals.
scope of trinning and development
it administrates the development...
Evolution of Development Administration?
Evolution of Development Administration?
Administration directs; Supervision service
Development administration works on the development of the architecture design and allows building permits to pass if they satisfy specific criteria. Administration development is the development of better managed and organized administration of any particular company wich is the group of persons that manage it.
Economic Development Administration was created in 1965.
The budget of Economic Development Administration is 258,000,000 dollars.
views on the role of the Philippines and other countries in the light of development administration
Development administration involves both the deployment of human and material resources to achieve a higher view of place or situation while administration of development involves or is simply a process by which these human and material resources arer managed and utilized.
National Institute of Development Administration was created on 1966-04-01.
Development administration as referred to by Fred Riggs, is the administration of development programs to the methods used by large scale organisations; notably government, to implement policies and plans designed to meet developmental objectives. Luke (1986) refers to development administration as a concern with create, maintenance and strengthening of the organisation and administration.