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It is no different than the relationship between straight parents and their children.

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Q: What is the relationship with gay parents and their children?
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Related questions

When did gay parents start becoming researched?

Even to this day, gay parents have not been extensively researched. Basic statistics show that children living with gay parents have a similar upbringing style and similar issues to children brought up by heterosexual parents.

In shakespeares time What was the relationship between parents and children?

Children were very respectful to their parents.

Where can you find peer reviewed articles that show evidence that children who are raised by gay couples are more likely to grow up to be gay?

I'm sorry but there are no such articles. Research have shown that the children adopted by, or the biological children of gay parents are not gay or lesbian more than children of straight parents including adopted ones.

How do parents accept gay children?

Many parents do not accept their LGBT children. Those who are capable of love and acceptance have no problem accepting their children.

What has the author April Martin written?

April Martin has written: 'The lesbian and gay parenting handbook' -- subject(s): Children of gay parents, Gay parents, Parenting

What does it mean to be in a relationship?

A relationship is just that, like a friend and friend, or children with parents.

Does anyone care about the children of gay men?

Yes. The children's loving gay fathers care about them very much. Gay men work very hard to adopt children, and prove to be excellent parents.

Do gay parents lead to bad behaved kids?

No, in fact all major studies have shown the opposite: the children of gay parents turn out fine.

Do gay parents cause confusion for children?

No we do not. Although sometimes our children cause confusion for us.

What reaction do maple parents have when their children want piercings?

You gay broa?!

What are the sexual functioning of children whose were raised by a gay parents?

The sexual orientations of parents have no bearing on the sexual orientations of their children. Keep in mind that more than 90% of all gay people had heterosexual parents, and it didn't affect them at all.

What are ways to stop discrimination against children with gay or lesbian parents?

The most powerful tool is education. Knowing a family with gay parents is also very effective.