The rejection hotline is a fictional phone number that people give out as a funny way of politely declining unwanted advances. It's not a real hotline for providing support or assistance.
The phone number for the Narcotics Anonymous Hotline is 888-653-0269.
i need the phone to lowes corporation ehics hotline for employees
1-641-985-7888 is a rejection hotline.
(02) 834-4580 hotline number of DFA OUMWA
The "Rejection hotline" term means, it is a program/phone number that was created in 2001 and it is a phone number that when you call it, it replies back saying "Hello, this is not the person you were trying to call." This number is usually given when you do not want to give your actual number out.
424-202-6983 California661-367-2388 California0456 REJECT (0456 735 328) in Australia
Hotline below link if you've been good.
If a person has a question, or their dye process goes wrong, they can call the Clairol hotline and speak to an actual colorist. The number is 800 252 4765.
The studio hotline is: (215) 263 - 1021
The phone number for Amerigroup Health Insurance is 1-888-493-5390. This phone number is for the health plus products and is the hotline for members to use.