The red flower often used at Christmas is the poinsettia, but the bright red is not the colour of the flower. It is the bracts, or modified leaves, which surround a very small yellow flower. It is used as a symbol of Christmas in countries in the northern hemisphere because of its striking bright red and green.
The poinsettia is native to Mexico, and was originally called cuetlaxochitl by the Aztecs. It was first given as a gift to Americans by then ambassador to Mexico Joel Poinsett 1825: hence the name poinsettia.
The botanical name is Euphorbia pulcherrima.
It should not be confused with Christmas Holly (Ilex mitis) which has red berries.
because it is a big red flower
The Santan flower is also known as the jungle geranium. They are a red flower often used in Hindu worship rituals.
The Poinsettia is an attractive plant often connected with Christmas (in the northern hemisphere), due to its vivid red bracts surrounded by bright green leaves, and the fact that its flowering season coincides with Christmas.
Today the Christmas poinsettia is the most popular Christmas flower for Christmas decorating in the United States and not only a city alone.The Mexican poinsettia, known as the Christmas flower in North America, is used in most Christmas decorations, due to its red color and because the Christmas poinsettia blooms mainly in December.Mexico City
The poinsettia plant is significant during the Christmas season because it is often used as a decorative symbol of the holiday. Its red and green colors are associated with Christmas, and its star-shaped leaves are said to represent the Star of Bethlehem. The plant is also known as the "Christmas flower" and is commonly used in decorations and displays during the holiday season.
The most popular Christmas colors in the United States are red and green. Black and white are often used as Christmas colors.
Americans often bring Poinsettias inside their houses at Christmas. They are popular for their vibrant red and green foliage, which symbolizes the holiday season.
a red beautiful flower called a poinsetta
The "red flower" was the name the animals of the jungle gave to fire.
There are several flowers / plants related traditionally to Christmas depending on where you are, these include Poinsettia, Christmas cactus, Holly, Ivy, and Mistletoe. Contemporary flower bouquets used as Christmas gifts and centrepieces now tend to be more of a combination of colour rather than certain flower or plant types. These colours normally include red, gold, green and/or white as base colours. You can see a range of contemporary Christmas flower bouquets at the related link.
The Pohutukawa, which grows in the North Island, is sometimes called the New Zealand Christmas Tree because it has its many red flowers in summer which means it is usually in flower at Christmas. The Southern Rata in the South Island has similar red flowers at the same time of year.