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1800 calories is the GDA (Guidline Daily Amount), but if you are underweight (and need to gain weight) try to consume more. If you are overweight (and need to lose weight) try to consume less.

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Q: What is the recommended total number of calories for a 10 year old girl?
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If this 13 year old girl how many calories is it recommended that she consume on a daily bases?

Between 1,200 and 1,400 calories, on average.

What is the recommended daily amount of carlories for a 14 year old girl?

The recommended daily amount of calories for a 14 year old girl is between 1,800 and 2,400. The requirement is based on level of activity, so the more active you are, the more calories are required.

What should be the normal diet of a 15 -year-old girl?

15 or 35, all diets should be based on your height and weight to make sure you get the daily recommended calories.

How many calories for one idly?

The number of calories that someone should consume in a day depends on the person. A young girl will consume less than a young boy for example.

How many calories should a 150 pound 16 year old girl have daily?

This depends on whether she is still growing or not. Some girls have stopped growing very early on and will need less calories to keep their body weight the same. If they would still be growing, they would need more calories to help their bodies. For a 16 year old girl that is still growing, I'd recommend 2500 calories a day. If not growing, 2000 calories would be enough, as recommended for women in general.

What the the number of calories a thirteen year old girl should concume in a day?

About 1,600, with moderate exericse and healthy choices.

How many calories should an athletic 12-year-old girl per day to lose weight?

It depends on height and weight, but in general, the recommended calorie range for someone that age trying to lose weight would be anywhere from 1,500-1,800 calories a day.

Is 1643 calories out of 2200 calories enough for a teenage girl?

Probably, yes.

Is 1913 to many calories for a 14 year old girl who is 5'6?

No. While it is on the higher side of what is recommended for that general age and height group (the range is wide, from 1,400 to 2,000 calories), about 1,900 calories is especially good if she is active or participates in sports, or other hobbies that keep the body moving. It is also very good if the calories come from healthier foods and bevarages, and not too many from fats or sugars.

How many calories should a 16-year-old girl who is 5'9 and weighs 135 lbs?

The recommended calorie intake varies a little based on weight, activity level, body type, and a few other factors. On average, they should be eating about 1,500 to 1,700 calories a day.

How many calories is a 15 year old girl supposed to eat every day?

The recommended calorie intake varies a little based on height, weight, activity level, body type, and a few other factors. On average, they should be eating about 1,400 to 1,600 calories a day.

How many calories should a ten year old girl have a day?

1500 calories