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Q: What is the real name for the drug speed?
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Speed is anoter name for which type of drug?

Speed is the street name for the Class B drug amphetamine sulphate. Sometimes speed is used to refer to other types of amphetamines. Speed is a stimulan.

Is speed a drug?

Speed is the street name for Amphetamine, and Methamphetamine which are drugs.

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What is the name of a drug that speed up body system?


What are the street names of speed?

Well, speed is the street name of a type of drug, do you mean what other street names mean speed?

What is the drug angel dust's real name?

cocaine its not cocaine, its PCP...

What is Tim Allen's real name?

Tim Allen's real name is Timothy Allen Dick. He dropped the last name, presumably because of his drug arrest.

What is goey a drug slang word?

Goey is an Australian street name for speed (amphetamine).

What is speed from csi Miami real name?

Tim "Speed" Speedle was played by Rory Cochrane.

What was Speed Racer's real name?

He's known as Speed Racer mostly, but also known as Gō Mifune

What is the name of the tv drama series based on a real person who helps drug addicts?

The Cleaner

What class is speed?

speed is a class B drug