STOP TAKING MARIJUANA! We know it's hard, but you've got to be INSANE to start it! If I were you I would think twice next time.
there is this pill you can get online and it cleans out in the next day or if you were a girl, u should wait till you have you period and do it
There is no magic way to "clear your system" of marijuana. As long as you don't use again before the test, you'll probably be okay.
Water. And lots of it. However, the chemical signature of marijuana will remain in your bloodstream for quite sometime, and can be detected in a test up to six weeks later.
In order to remove the THC from your system: Vitamin C and water in big amounts is my advice.
dont smoke then :-)
Marijuana binds to your saliva glands and will stay bonded for 361 days. The only way to clear it out or un-bond the THC early is seamen. Seamen has a salt protein that deactivates the binding compounds, and will allow a clean swab within 2 hours. You need to know that when exposed to air the salt protein will evaporate so make sure you ingest without air exposure.
There is no way to clean your body for 24h. http:/
Go to a Head Shop, they sell this stuff you can drink before the test. It costs like 35-50 dollars though.
If you smoke weed every day, it is unlikely you will pass a saliva test, as THC can be detected in saliva for up to 24-72 hours after use. Factors such as metabolism, frequency of use, and the amount of THC in the marijuana can affect detection times. It is best to refrain from using marijuana if you know you will be taking a saliva test.
There is only one way to get weed out of a person system. The only way to get week out of the system is sleep and water.
Might not be the quickest way to do it, but I normally use a lint roller.
Yes, check my profile page for info. Btw swab saliva tests detection time is very short.