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When Jesus was born everybody brought Mary presents so on Christmas we give gifts to each other in honor of everybody giving Mary presents

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Q: What is the purpose of giving gifts during Christmas?
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Related questions

What gifts are spread during Christmas giving?

Many gifts are spread during Christmas giving. Gifts of appreciation, such as gift cards and books, are given. Gifts are also given to family and close friends, such as gift cards, clothes, and pictures.

What does giving gifts during Christmas symbolize?

Giving gifts symbolizes the kings in the Bible giving the gifts to Jesus when they visisted Him. Today, gifts are given more out of tradition than any symbolization, though.

Is it true that santa is giving gifts during Christmas Eve?

actually, ... its not really true

What are the traditions during Christmas?

For those that celebrate it they vary from country to country but almost all have giving and receiving gifts.

What is the spiritual message of Christmas?

The spiritual message of Christmas is basically that of giving, charity, and selfless happiness. We are to be good to the world, and the tradition of giving gifts came about from the fact that we are to be generous, not just during the Christmas season, but during all times of the year. We are also supposed to be celebrating the birth of Jesus.

Why do you have gifts on Christmas?

Because it's Jesus b-day and instead of giving gifts to him we give them to others and we receive gifts.

How many people prefer getting gifts for Christmas than giving gifts for Christmas?

The statistics for how many people prefer getting gifts rather than giving them for Christmas are not available; however, those who prefer to give gifts can understand what the saying, "It is more blessed to give than to receive" really means.

What started Christmas gift giving?

That would have to be the three wise men who brought the baby Jesus gifts of frankincense and mirh. I think that giving gifts at Christmas is a way of representing the gift of life, as Jesus' birthday is on Christmas Day.

What is the origin of Christmas gifts and how has it evolved over time?

The tradition of giving Christmas gifts dates back to ancient Rome and the winter solstice festival of Saturnalia. Over time, the practice evolved to include gift-giving as a way to celebrate the birth of Jesus. Today, Christmas gifts are a central part of the holiday season, symbolizing love, generosity, and the spirit of giving.

Is gift giving a part of Italy's Christmas?

yes it is you exchange gifts there but there is no tree

How do you get on the ophra free gifts give away Christmas show?

What is the person called who exchanges gifts?

There is no particular word or term for a person who exchanges gifts. Sometimes during the Christmas holiday season people set up gift exchanges. The people giving the gifts are often referred to as a Secret Santa.