Edmodo is a social networking site that's very similar in layout to Facebook. It's made for teachers to create a secure online environment for their students to check assignments, projects, due dates, and the like.
What do you do if you forgotten your password to edmodo
You don't get a free group code for edmodo, the free group code for edmodo gets you...
To join an Edmodo group, you will need a unique group code provided by the group's administrator. You can request the group code from your teacher or administrator to join their Edmodo group.
The group code for Edmodo is distributed by teachers so you can join their class.
You first have to have a teacher which gives assignments, via edmodo, then you have to turn it in via edmodo, and get a 90 or higher, thats how you get one of them.OR u can Join the group kbw25j free badges to anyone that joins
You first have to have a teacher which gives assignments, via edmodo, then you have to turn it in via edmodo, and get a 90 or higher, thats how you get one of them.OR u can Join the group kbw25j free badges to anyone that joins
There is no such thing as an "Edmodo password". When you create an account you make your own passsword. There is a group code and I don't know what that is.
An edmodo code is a code to a group at your school. You use it to find out what you have for homework what tests there are.
Edmodo is an independent online education system company currently owned by its co-founders Nicolas Borgand Jeff O'Hara.