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i got one. and the price range is... expensive-Very Expensive

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Q: What is the price range for blackberrys?
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How much are blackberrys?

It depends, straight from the manufacturer they can range anywhere from 100$-500$. But getting it with a 2-year contract from a phone company can cut that price in half or even less.

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Does TMobile make blackberrys?

T-Mobile offers a BlackBerry service plan, but the company doesn't make BlackBerrys. Research In Motion is the creator of BlackBerrys, such as the Curve and Bold.

Where are blackberrys manufactured?

Canada (:

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not yet :(

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What is the price range for Kichler lighting? There is a big gap of price range for Kichler lighting. The price range for Kichler Lighting is anywhere from $50 to a reasonable $700.

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Blackberrys target market are businessman and executives generally populating the metropolitan areas.

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What class are blackberrys?

blackberry's are classed as smartphones