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The price range of a Leica digital camera ranges between 100-2000 dollars, some are very cheap to buy and very enjoyable and some are expensive and amazing to use for any occasion.

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Q: What is the price range for Leica digital cameras?
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A good place to compare digital cameras is on CNET. Here you can compare by price range, manufacturers, zoom range and other important factors or features that you may want to consider in a digital camera.

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Yes, Cannon makes some of the better digital cameras out there. Cannon's compact digital cameras cost about $200 to $500 depending on the features. The price of Cannon's high-end digital SLR cameras range from $550 to about $7000.

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The price of SLR digital Olympus cameras varies depending on the style of camera and the vendor. The cameras can be purchased directly from Olympus at a price range from approximately $700 for the E-620 to approximately $1700 for the E-5. The cameras can be purchased at other sites for slightly less. The E-520 is listed for approximately $550 at Amazon.

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Canon digital cameras can range from 79.99 US dollars to $499.99 and above. A typical digital camera made by Cannon is around 200 dollars. More professional cameras average about $900.

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Including polaroid camcorders, the prices for polaroid digital cameras fall between thirty-six dollars to two-hundred-fifty dollars. This is the price range according to Best Buy's online store.

How expensive are some brands of slim digital cameras?

Slim design digital cameras can range in price depending on brand, model and where you shop. For some online comparison you can visit

What is the price range for a digital camera?

The price range of a digital camera can vary depending on the megapixels it has. It can be anywhere from å£50-1000. The smaller more lightweight cameras tend to cost more, and the higher the megapixels, the higher the price.

What is the price range for a handheld Leica laser?

Handheld Leica lasers have a large price range because of the various types of laser devices. They can go from three hundred dollars to over seven hundred dollars.

What type of digital cameras does Walmart sell?

Wal-Mart sells a range of consumer quality digital cameras from makers such as Sony, Epson, and Fuji. Wal-Mart offers price guarantees for competitor ads so if you bring them in they will match prices on digital cameras.

What is the features on a Leica MP range finder?

The main well used feature on a Leica MP range finder is their interchangeable lenses. Other features include a viewfinder with different magnifications and its compatibility with other cameras in the Winder series.

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You are very wise in doing this as digital cameras come in all price range and different features. To get a better understanding I would recommend that you go to