What you have described doesn't exist, so, it can't have a value.
Take it to a gunsmith and ask for help
Between $250 and $350 for a decent one.
20-45 USD
Right now, NORINCO (Peoples Republic of China) is the only current manufacturer of the SKS rifle. In the past, they've been manufactured in the former Soviet Union (Ivhesk and Tula arsenals), former Yugoslavia (Zastava), Romania, East Germany, Albania, North Korea, and North Vietnam.
Grab your riffle and run to the hills.You need to shoot that target with your riffle.
About $300, depending on condition.
how does a riffle beatle eat
Denise Riffle is 163 cm.
No pictures exist of a riffle.
You might be able to find an SKS in the $150 - $200 price range.
A riffle is a small body of water do you mean RIFLE?