Yes they do...I have a 22 .mag. derringer with white grips,that I recently found, and I grabed it..I thought that the price was well in reason since I havent had one since the mid-80s...Sleepy
I have one that I have been checking the price range on and they seem to be from $250 to $5oo depending on seller, I dont know if they are worth that because I dont know what a sold one went for only asking price.
it can range from a price of 10,000 to up to 1$
About $500 or so. These are the exception to the "low price" norm for derringers. With box and all papers, if in actual excellent condition, possibly more.
What is the price range for a browning patient 300 magnum rifle?
100 USD or so
20-100 usd
Anywhere from $25 to $300, depending on make, model, and condition. Most are worth $50-75, but a High Standard in VG condition would bring more.
The price range on your shotgun is between 165-200 dollars depending on the amount of finish being between 60%-90%.The Marlin model 120 magnum shotgun was made from 1971-1985.
Your Remington express magnum shotgun will range in price from 180-350 dollars,depending on the overall condition of the shotgun.These prices reflect between 60%-90% of the original finish,and a good bore.
10-100 usd