on average a blued steel 606 in excellent condition runs around 3 bills, a stainless 606 is about 50 dollars more , I just bought one for 400 that was new in the box. They are great little big guns...
Yes they can
The Taurus 606 .357 Magnum is 6 shots.
Around $330
a 540 difference
Close, not identical- grips do not interchange- but Hogue does make grips for the Taurus.
It depends on whether it's new or used and which model. In general, Taurus handguns range between $400 and about $700.
Depends on model and condition- you did not share that, and we do not have enough info to answer.
We need to know what model. Sorry.
We need to know what model. Sorry.
Depends on model and condition. Sort of like "How much is a Ford car?"
The price of a fuel filter on a 1994 Ford Taurus
depends on the model and the condition. Could be anywhere from $100 to $300.