J.P. Morgan Chase does not publish a phone number to verify employment. The employee must supply a phone number to their supervisor for employment verification.
You need to obtain a VOE form
1-800-776-3120 option #4 - is the direct and specific number to verify employment with FexEx and all of it's divisions.
Its called the employment verification line. Its in your handbook you received at orientation and its also posted on a business card right behind the security desk where they keep all the other papers on the wall otherwise known as the information wall.
Potential employers routinely verify current and past employment. You will be asked to provide them with the company name, address, phone number, and the dates of your employment.
I was informed it is a third party, named The Work Number and the phone number is 800-367-5690, Bank of America's company code is 10375.
As of 5/24/2012, The Work number for employment verification at Wells Fargo is 1-800-367-5690, company code 14566.
Yes, you can check your employment visa status by the visa number. Employers have a phone number to call and can verify the number instantly. You can call the INS to check your status at anytime.