The web address of the Lancaster Camp Ground is:
The address of the Lancaster Camp Ground is: 2151 W Fair Ave, Lancaster, OH 43130
The phone number of the Potts Camp Library is: 662-333-7068.
The phone number of the Cole Camp Branch is: 660-668-3887.
Umm camp half blood is not real there for it does not have a phone number
The phone number of the Camp Mcdowell is: 205-387-1806.
The phone number of the Happy Camp Branch Library is: 530-463-2964.
The phone number of the Camp Wood Public Library is: 830-597-3208.
The phone number of the Cole Camp Museum Association is: 660-668-3540.
The phone number of the Angels Camp Museum Foundation is: 209-736-4658.
The phone number of the Palo Verde Library is: 602-262-4636.
Wiki Answers does not supply celeberty/fan phone numbers.