The phone number of the Grafton Public Library is: 641-748-2735.
The phone number of the Logan Public Library is: 712-644-2551.
The phone number of the Clarks Public Library is: 308-548-2864.
The phone number of the Snyder Public Library is: 402-568-2570.
The phone number of the Webster Public Library is: 585-872-7075.
The phone number of the Fairfax Public Library is: 319-846-2994.
The phone number of the Fairfax Library is: 415-453-8151.
The phone number of the Fairfax Community is: 802-849-2420.
The phone number of the Fairfax Branch is: 660-686-2204.
The phone number of the New Georgia Public Library is: 770-459-8163.
The phone number of the Fairfax City Regional Library is: 703-246-2281.
The phone number of the Fairfax Branch is: 323-936-6191.
The phone number of the Fairfax Station Railroad Museum is: 703-425-9225.
The phone number of the Willacoochee Public Library is: 912-534-5252.
The phone number for the Tax Assessor for Fairfax County is (703)222-8234. The below website "Free Public Records Directory" has links for Fairfax County in case you have other questions.
The phone number of the Access Services is: 703-324-8365.
The phone number of the Georgia Aquarium is: 404-581-4000.