The phone number of the Polk City Community Library is: 515-984-6119.
The phone number of the Junction City Public Library is: 541-998-8942.
The phone number of the Morningside Branch is: 712-252-5669.
The phone number of the Baker County Library District is: 541-523-6419.
The phone number of the Tower-Porter Community Library is: 717-647-4900.
The phone number of the Forest City Library is: 570-785-5590.
The phone number of the Forest City Public Library is: 641-585-4542.
The address of the Forest City is: 1501 Stiles Avenue, Savannah, 31401 7864
The phone number of the Port City Branch Library is: 912-964-8013.
Savannah is a city in Georgia USA, or the Savannah in Africa which are the plains on which the wild animals graze.
The phone number of the Maple Park Public Library District is: 815-827-3362.
The phone number of the Rutherford County Farm Museum is: 828-248-1248.
To get Lt. Surge's phone number, you must go to the Power Plant in Kanto (near Cerulean City) in the morning time (before 10:00 a.m.) and show him a Pikachu you caught in the Viridian Forest. If you do, he'll give you his phone number.
The phone number of the City Of Greeley Museums is: 970-350-9220.
The phone number of the Mason City Public Library is: 641-421-3668.
The phone number of the Lefrak City is: 718-592-7677.
The phone number of the Gloucester City Library is: 609-456-4181.