The phone number of the Caldwell County Public Library is: 828-757-1270.
The address of the Caldwell County Public Library is: 120 Hospital Ave, Lenoir, 28645 4454
The phone number of the Kinston-Lenoir County Public Library is: 252-527-7066.
The address of the Kinston-Lenoir County Public Library is: 510 N Queen St, Kinston, 28501 4330
The address of the Lenoir City Public Library is: 100 West Broadway, Lenoir City, 37771 1156
The phone number of the Lenoir City Public Library is: 865-986-3210.
The address of the Caldwell Public Library is: 120 S. Main St., Caldwell, 67022 1414
The phone number of the Caldwell Public Library is: 620-845-6879.
The address of the Caldwell Free Public Library is: 268 Bloomfield Avenue, Caldwell, 07006 5102
The phone number of the Caldwell Free Public Library is: 201-226-2837.
The phone number of the West Caldwell Public Library is: 201-226-5441.
The address of the West Caldwell Public Library is: 30 Clinton Road, West Caldwell Rd., 07006 6704
Vigo County Public Library was created in 1882.