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Q: What is the period of time a zygote embryo or fetus is carried in the female tract?
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How does resorption of the zygote or embryo causes zygote or embryo death?

Re-absorption is when the female's body breaks down and uses the embryo's body, usually occurring when the body determines that it is not pregnant. The zygote dies because it is being absorbed into the females body.

What sequence best represents sexual reproduction in order?

1. gametes - zygote - fertilization - embryo 2. fertilization - zygote - gametes - embryo 3. zygote - gametes - fertilization - embryo 4. gametes - fertilization - zygote - embryo answer is 4. gametes-fertilization-zygote-embryo

What is difference a ovu zygote embryo fetus?

There really isn't much difference between a zygote, embryo, and fetus. A zygote forms after fertilization and becomes an embryo, which later becomes a fetus.

What is it called when the embryo attaches to the wall of the uterus?

Implantation is the medical term meaning attachment of the zygote to the uterine wall. If the zygote does not attach, a period occurs.

What is a another name for zygote?

One would think it's embryo but a zygote is not a embryo yet, it is the early stage of what will become a embryo. Zygote is the word used and you can use the word cell since a zygote is the initial cell formed after a sperm and egg have joined. After 1 week it has transformed into a embryo.

How is an embryo produced?

Embryo is produced by cell division of zygote .

What is a zyzote?

A zygote is the first diploid cell that is formed by the fusion of male and female gametes resulting in the formation of an embryo. The zygote stage development occurs in the first week of fertilization

Is a zygote a haploid cell or a diploid?

No, a zygote is a diploid because it has the full number of 46 (23pairs) of chromosomes. Two gametes one from the male one from the female meet to form a zygote. gametes = haploid everything else = diploid

What is the difference between a zygote embryo and fetus?

Fetus zygote is not the term to use. A zygote is a fertilized egg. An embryo is a developing baby. A fetus is a baby before it is born.

What is the difference between a fetus zygote and an embryo?

Fetus zygote is not the term to use. A zygote is a fertilized egg. An embryo is a developing baby. A fetus is a baby before it is born.

What does the embryo develop from?

it develops from a zygote.

A Female ovum and a Male sperm together make?

A Female ovum and a Male sperm fuse to create a zygote cell. It is the earliest developmental stage of the embryo.