There is no period of time between BC and AD, because AD does not stand for "after death", it stands for "Anno Domini", which is a Latin term that translates to English as "in the year of our Lord". BC = Years before the birth of Jesus Christ AD = Years since the birth of Jesus Christ
A.D. it comes from a latin 'anno domini' which means 'in the year of the lord'
It is the gestation period.
There is no wrongful birth. Only wrongful death.
the period of time between conception and birth is called the "gestation period"
The word 'life' is a noun; a word for the period between the birth and death of a person, a word for a thing.The word 'life' is also an adjective, a word that describes a noun (life saver).
The period between fertilization and birth is called pregnancy or the gestation period. For humans, gestation lasts about nine months. and isn't it cute. SO ADORABLE
You will have to show the chapter and verse, because the word "Lent" is not in the Bible. It is a tradition taken on by the Catholic Church after the death of all of Christ's Apostles.
generation item
It is known as the gestation period.
Christian Wolff's philosophy spanned the period in German philosophy between the death of Gottfried Leibniz and the birth of Immanuel Kant. Wolff was a key figure in the rationalist movement during this time, influencing many subsequent philosophers with his work on metaphysics, ethics, and logic.
simple thing.. no of death is equal to 4 times larger than the no of birth....