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Although statistics are constantly changing as more studies are performed, the last substantial report on teenage smoking in Europe was a shocking 20 percent.

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30 percent of the world's adults.

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10y ago

About 34% of Europeans smoke cigarettes.

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25% of Americans smoke 70% want to stop.

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Roughly 30%

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Q: What is the percentage of smokers in other countries?
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What percentage of teen smokers become regular smokers?

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What is the percentage of smokers in Australia?

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How many non- smokers in the US?

The rate of smokers in the U.S. has leveled off for over a decade at about 23%, leaving the percentage of non-smokers at 77%. This rate varies widely by state, being as low as 10% smokers in some states and as high as over 30% in Kentucky.

What percentage of cigarette smokers quit?

Out of 100% only 2 percent quit the smoking

What country has the highest percentage of smokers?

The percentage of Americans who smoke cigarettes hovers around 20%. Percentages vary among racial and ethnic groups. The smoking rate has been declining since the 1960's, in which over 40% of Americans smoked cigarettes during that time period.

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Which country smokes the most cigarettes?

Nauru has the highest percentage of smokers (54% of the population), while China has the most smokers total (about 462,800,000 smokers). If you mean smoking as in hot/attractive, European countries around the Mediterranean have the most attractive people (as shown in polls). Countries like Spain, France, Italy, etc.