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In the state of Texas, psilocybin and psilocin containing mushrooms are classified in the penalty group 2 as a schedule I controlled substance. Possession of any amount is a felony in Texas carrying a mandatory minimum sentence in either jail or state prison as well as a mandatory 6 month driver's license suspension. The following are the penalties for possession:

Under 1g (State Jail Felony) - 180 Days to 2 Years and/or fine not exceeding $10,000

Under 4g (3rd Degree Felony) - 2 Years to 10 Years and/or fine not exceeding $10,000

Under 400g (2nd Degree Felony) - 2 Years to 20 Years and/or fine not exceeding $10,000

Over 400g (Enhanced 1st Degree Felony) - 5 Years to 99 Years and/or fine not exceeding $50,000

Additionally, in Texas, if you are in possession of a large amount, according to the Texas Tax Code you can be charged with tax evasion as well which hold a penalty of no more than 5 years in state prison and/or a fine not exceeding $250,000.


I believe that penalty for possesion of shrooms in Texas is 6 months - 2 years and/or a big fine. For a first offense you will probably have to pay a fine, be placed on proabtion, attend drug awareness programs, maybe get a suspended jail sentence, have a felony on your record (which will change your life forever) and maybe do some community service. As you can see it's not really worth it to do shrooms. Strick to Alcohol and maybe a little bit of weed (they seem to treat weed less harshly than shrooms and you can have up 4 oz of weed and it's still a misdemeanor in Texas) saty away from shrooms they are no good will **** you up pretty bad

That is not true! The punishment is minimum 2-10 yrs state jail, 3rd degree felony. If you are put on probation instead it is 5 yrs. probation. If you violate probation, you will serve a minimum of 2 yrs, no time off for good behavior, etc. I know this is true because my 17 yr old son just did it. He had no priors whatsoever, not even a ticket. On top of that, another person at the scene admitted they were his and not my sons, the cops said they didn't care, it was in my son's vehicle and he got the wrap. While on probation, my son missed a probation meeting because when he called to say he got called in to work, they told him his worker had an emergency and would be out for 2 wks. He thought that meant his meeting was canceled. It wasn't. They issued a felony warrant and he is now waiting for transport to state jail. This all happened in Hays county- San Marcos Tx

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10mo ago

In Texas, possession of psilocybin mushrooms is considered a felony offense, punishable by a potential prison sentence and fines. The severity of the penalty can depend on the amount of mushrooms possessed and other circumstances of the case. It is important to seek legal advice if facing such a charge.

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Q: What is the penalty for first time possession of mushrooms in Texas?
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Is possession of marijuana a felony in Texas?

Possession of marijuana is considered a Class B misdemeanor in Texas for small amounts (less than 2 ounces), punishable by a fine up to $2000 and/or up to 180 days in jail. However, possession of larger amounts can escalate to a felony charge with more severe penalties.

What is the punishment for marijuana possession in South Dakota?

In South Dakota, possession of marijuana is classified as a misdemeanor offense for first-time offenders, with penalties including a fine of up to $2,000 and up to one year in jail. Subsequent offenses can result in harsher penalties, including increased fines and longer jail time.

What is penalty for possession of marijuana in Texas?

Possession of marijuana in Texas is illegal and can result in criminal charges. The penalty for possession of marijuana in Texas depends on the amount of marijuana possessed, ranging from a misdemeanor with possible jail time and fines for small amounts to felony charges for larger quantities. It is important to stay informed about the laws and penalties in your specific area.

What is the Punishment for First Degree Murder?

The punishment for first degree murder varies by jurisdiction, but it typically includes a lengthy prison sentence, up to and including life imprisonment without the possibility of parole, or in some cases, the death penalty.

What is the penalty for an unpaid tax in South Carolina?

In South Carolina, the penalty for unpaid taxes is 5% of the tax due for the first month, with an additional 0.5% added each month thereafter. There is also a maximum penalty of 25%. Additionally, interest is charged on the unpaid balance at a rate of 2% per month.

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