They are pretty low in calories (about 60-80 per egg), are a good source of protein, and contain a lot of B vitamins, iron, and vitamin D.
Nutritional value of egg beaters 1/4 cup of egg beaters has 30 calories 0 fat 0 cholesterol 115mg sodium 1 carb 6 grams of protein Vitamin A-15% Calcium-2% Iron-6%
What is the nutritional value for 1/2 cup of Tofu?
There is no significant nutritional difference between blue eggs and other types of eggs. The color of the eggshell does not affect the nutritional content of the egg. It is the diet of the hen that determines the nutritional value of the egg.
It give us proteins & egg white have food value
Their is no nutritional value in soda.
Yes, it is excellent nutritional value
1 year
There is no nutritional difference between a fertilized and an unfertilized egg. People prefer to eat unfertilized commercial layer eggs, so they don't feel like they are eating the next generation. Also a fertilized egg does not have as long of a shelf life as the unfertilized one does.
Take the nutritional value of regular sweetened custard and subtract the amount of calories found in the amount of sugar you are not using. Splenda has very few calories so add that back to your new recipe. The rest of your nutritional value is from the egg and milk in the recipe.
Egg whites contain protein and amino acids, but do have some fat as well. Eating the whole egg should be fine, in moderation.
Cellulose does have nutritional value. It is a major source of the needed fiber in our diet.
It has no nutritional value and is ignored by the digestive system and passes through if ingested.