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This depends greatly on the persons' height and weight. Me personally (as my doctor tells me) my normal weight is 170-180 pounds at 6 ft.

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Q: What is the normal weight?
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the normal weight is between maybe 150-160 maybe.

What is a normal five year olds weight?

The normal weight for a five year old is about 18-19kg.

What is the normal weight of an 8months old baby?

In order for you to check the normal weight of the baby, you need first to indicate the gender of the baby and his or her present weight. This information is needed to check the baby's normal weight using a baby weight percentile calculator. From then on, you can refer to the WHO Baby Growth Chart, so you can determine the normal weight of the baby at that particular age.

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The Normal Weight based on BMI is 104-140 lbs.

What is the best weight to get pregnant?

The weight that is healthy and normal to your height.

What is the Normal weight for a 20 year old?

there is no normal weight, is based off your height and gender and build, not just age

How do you become normal weight when you are under weight?

increase calorie intake