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It upends on your age and height. Be more specific. But unless you doctor says you are, or at risk of being, overweight, then don't be concerned. If you think your underweight, it is also not a problem unless you are anorexic. Don't be concerned with this, because chances are, you just being self-conscious.

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Q: What is the normal range of body fat for a male?
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What is the normal body range fat for normal weight men?

13-21% Source: Understanding Nutrition 12e

What is the normal range of body fat for men aged 15-80?

a 6 pack

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Im 4 feet 7 inches and im 100 pounds am i fat?

NO. Your body-mass index is in the middle of the Normal range. Congratulations.

What is the range of optimal body fat for health and fitness in men?

The range of optimal body fat for health and fitness in men is typically between 10 and 20.

What is the storage of fat necessary for normal body functioning called?

Essential Fat

What is the normal weight for a 27-year-old male?

There is no "normal" weight for a 27-year-old male (or a male of any age). Weight is related to body composition and height rather than age. What counts more than your weight is your body fat percentage. To learn more about your body fat percentage, see the page, further gown this page, listed under Related Questions. Alternatively, please feel free to ask the question again and include more detail.

What is the typical fat percentage of the adult male body?

For average adult males the body fat percentage is 18 to 24 percent. It is suggested however that the optimal body fat percentage for an adult male should be around 14 to 17 percent.

A male client who weights 200 lbs and has a body fat percentage of 20%. His body fat percentage goal is 15%. What is the clients current body fat in pounds.?

40 lbs

Anorexics have what percent body weight of normal weight?

It varies per individual. Almost always anorexics will have a noticeably less percent of body fat or weight from body fat that a "normal" or "average" weight person.

Is it normal for a 19 year old male to have a little belly fat?