Nightly cost of a hotel in Pismo Beach totally depends on its star rating. Rates run for $55 a night for a 2 star hotel, $101 for a 3 star hotel and $472 for a 4 star hotel in Pismo Beach. There were no 5 star hotels found in the area.
"Depending on how many people per a room you are going to pay for the price would usually range from $100-$400. The hourly cost is $6.50 per hour, so the nightly cost would be pretty expensive."
The nightly cost to stay in Doubletree Times Square in New York city costs approximately $189 dollars per night that you stay at the Doubletree Times Square hotel.
The minimum nightly cost at the Chambers Hotel in New York is $275. This price however is not guaranteed to remain the same as different times of the year have different booking needs.
The rate to stay at the Singapore Airport Hotel will vary by what type of room one desires. The cost of a room will also be due to availability and how in advance one booked.
The price at the Hotel Montelleone ranges from &100.00 - 1,600.00, and that's a nightly rate but you can check that out here
If you're planning to stay at a hotel in Jumeirah Beach, Dubai you can expect to spend anywhere from $90 to over $300 a night. The average price is close to $200 a night for a couple who wishes to stay.
Clearwater Beach is located in Florida USA. Information can be obtained by calling the local tourism office for listings of the events and hotel bookings in that area.
A hotel room at the Crest Hotel Suites in Miami Beach, Florida run from $700 to $740 a night for King or Double Beds and $750 a night for a suite based on a Friday night occupancy.
You can go to the beach for about 80 dollars a night for a decent hotel. If you rent a private house, it can be around 1,000 dollars a week. This doesn't include food and entertainment.
Yes to get onto the beach of Daytona with a car it cost but if you walk on it does not cost anything.
The cheapest room at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Boston is $245 per night for a party of two. The rooms can cost upwards of $439 per night for the most expensive room available.
Hanover Hotel Victoria and A to Z are two London Hotels that offer exceptionally low nightly rates. However, the city is filled with plenty of other cost-effective hotels that visitors and locals alike can stay in.