The knife attached to a rifle (Not Riffle) is called a "Bayonet".
A bayonet is the name of a knife attached to the barrel of a rifle.
Do you possibly mean a knife that is attached to the front of a rifle? If so, that is a bayonet.
knife, rifle
This is probably a bayonet, a knife attached to a rifle, spear, etc. which in effect turns it into a spear, good for fighting at close quarters.
A rifle with a bayonet.
Bayonets do not shoot. They are a type of knife that is attached to the end of a rifle or shotgun, and allow a soldier to use the blade as a spear at close range. Bayonets are not (intentionally) launched from your rifle. You use them to stick or cut people that are standing too close to you. REAL close.
Bayonets are sword like objects that I believe are used in javelin
A 7.7 Japanese rifle is worth $4,000 or more. If the original scope is still attached, you can basically name your price.
To get sniper rifle you must have a commando which has a sniper rifle and a knife !!