The little boy with the crutch in "A Christmas Carol" is Tiny Tim.
Timothy (tiny Tim ) Cratchit
what is the name of the christmas carol about evergreen plants
first name of Disney's A Christmas carol ?
Tiny Tim Cratchit
Tiny Tim Cratchit
The name not considered for Tiny Tim's character in A Christmas Carol was "Little Fred."
The original title of "A Christmas Carol" was "A Christmas Carol in Prose, Being a Ghost Story of Christmas," when it was first published in 1843.
Another name for a christmas song is a Christmas carol.
The name of the Christmas carol with the line "Somebody waits for you, kiss her once for me" is "Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas." It was written by Hugh Martin and Ralph Blane in 1943 for the movie Meet Me in St. Louis.
Tiny Tim
The Christmas Carol