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NPS which means Net Promotor Score.

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Q: What is the name of the index that measures the relationship between your customers and your brand in a way that is considered predictive of growth and churn?
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How do you determine customers needs?

A company can determine the needs of a customer by carrying out these measures to obtain information such as: survey feedback and suggestion box this will determine the customer needs and make the company aware of the customer needs and satisfy them.

How can marketers measure consumer learning?

Recognition and Recall Measures Aided and Unaided Recall Cognitive Responses to Advertising Copy testing Measures Attitudinal and Behavioral Measures of Brand Loyalty

What should be identified in your marketing plan?

It depends....? On your market, and the audience of the plan (you, your bosses) But, here are some key things to think about, and probably describe in your plan. First, what is your current product offering What is it's positioning -- what segments of the market / customers are you currently attracting, at what price. What's your share of this market. Think about the Four P's -- your product/service, price, placement, and promotions. What is the product's Points of Differentiation or Value proposition. What does it solve, how is it different from competitors. Who are your competitors and what other products substitute for your product. (For example, you're selling airline travel -- so, there might be other airlines or other travel agents. And, bus and rail might be substitutes). Next, Identify the goals of the plan and measures of success. Are you trying to sell more? how much more? Are you selling to new markets / customers? who? How do you find them and identify that they're new. Then identify your tactics, budget, and timeline to meet your measures of success.

What are limitations of e-commerce marketing?

••Technical Limitations :-Lack of sufficient system's security, reliability, standards, and communication protocols-Insufficient telecommunication bandwidth-The software development tools are still evolving and changing rapidlyNon Technical Limitations-Security and Privacy•These issues are especially important in the B2C area, and security concerns are not truly so serious from a technical standpoint Privacy measures are constantly improving too •Yet, the customers perceive these issues as very important and therefore the EC industry has a very long and difficult task of convincing customers that online transactions and privacy are, in fact, fairly secure-Lack of trust and user resistance•Customers do not trust an unknown faceless seller, paperless transactions, and electronic money •So switching from a physical to a virtual store may be difficult

What metric measures how long a customer stays on a website?


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You can't. Lineal footage measures length. Tonnage measures weight. There is no relationship for conversion

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The coefficient of determination, otherwise known as the r^2 value, measures the strength of the linear relationship between two quantitative variables. An r^2 value of 1 indicates a complete linear relationship while a value of 0 means there is no relationship.

What Quality control measures are taken in a clothing store?

In a clothing store, quality control measures include rules for customers that do not allow for food or drink to be brought in. Other measures include the inspection of shipments to ensure that the clothing is up to the store's standards.

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Relationship between the lengths and the measures of angles are related to theorems like the opposite side of the largest angle is the largest side two equal angles oppositee sides are also equal

Why are the mean mode and median considered measures of central tendency?

In typical statistical distributions, these are measures that tend to lie close to the centre of the distribution.