Raymond Pistol's birth name is Raymond Pistol.
Pistol Takehara's birth name is Kazuo Takehara.
Tommy Pistol's birth name is Aramis A Sartorio.
The correct name of the popular Luger pistol is the Pistol Parabellum 1908 or the Parabellum Pistole. This pistol is toggle logged, semi-automatic, and recoil-operated.
Case length, case capacity, bullet diameter
HOLSTER. Crossword puzzle, huh?
You probably have a Mk. I pistol, manufactured circa 1958. If this is the case, it would be a semi-auto pistol, chambered in .22 Long Rifle.
The Chinese Pistol is a Shanxi Type 17.
We need the model- there is more than 1 Browning .380 pistol.
Case, Primer, Powder charge and Bullet