The case that the pistol is stored in is simply referred to as a case or if you have a case that you can more easily carry with you but that also secures the gun and is easily accessible, that is a holster. The outer shell of bullets are sometimes referred to as casings.
Raymond Pistol's birth name is Raymond Pistol.
Pistol Takehara's birth name is Kazuo Takehara.
Tommy Pistol's birth name is Aramis A Sartorio.
The correct name of the popular Luger pistol is the Pistol Parabellum 1908 or the Parabellum Pistole. This pistol is toggle logged, semi-automatic, and recoil-operated.
Case length, case capacity, bullet diameter
HOLSTER. Crossword puzzle, huh?
You probably have a Mk. I pistol, manufactured circa 1958. If this is the case, it would be a semi-auto pistol, chambered in .22 Long Rifle.
The Chinese Pistol is a Shanxi Type 17.
We need the model- there is more than 1 Browning .380 pistol.
Case, Primer, Powder charge and Bullet