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Q: What is the name for Santa Claus in french?
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What is Santa Claus's real name?

Saint Nicholas. In French, that name is Saint Niclaus which pronounced santnikloss. If you say that fast, it becomes "Santa Claus."

What was Santa Claus' wife's name in the movie Santa Claus?

Karen was santa Claus wife in santa Claus

Is Santa Claus real in France?

Yes, Virginia, there is a French Santa Claus.

How do you say the name of Santa Claus' wife in Spanish?

Esposa de Santa Claus (Lit; Wife of Santa Claus).

What is the name of the girl that marries Santa Claus in Santa Claus is coming to Town?

Her name is Jessica!

What is the original name of Santa Claus?

The original name of Santa Claus is "Saint Nicholas".St.Nicholas

When does pere noel visit France?

The Pere Noël (French name for Santa Claus) does not exist.

How do you spell Santas last name?

Santa is "Santa Claus" (from Saint Nicholas, as Nicolaus).

What is the middle name of Santa Claus?

Mrs. Claus' middle name was Mary. She was named after the mother of Jesus. Her full name is Jessica Mary Claus.

What is Santa Claus's name in Estonian?

In Estonian Santa Claus called Jõuluvana

WHAT IS THE Name of the movie with Santa Claus that dies?

Santa Claus he dies in the beginning

Does the name 'Santa Claus' Have a meaning?

Actually, Santa Claus is a bishop and his name is St. Nicholas but his real name is Santa Claus