The Winchester Model 21 Grand American 3-barrel cased set. Bert H.
Your winchester shotgun was made by winchester in 1899.
The value of a Winchester model 12 Featherweight shotgun is dependent upon a number of factors. The most import being the condition of the shotgun.
The Winchester model 1200 shotgun is a pump action shotgun.
Model 120 is most common
A Winchester 101 shotgun was used primarily for hunting. The best and most accurate way to find out the value of a firearm is to check with a gun dealer.
Your Winchester shotgun was manufactured in 1914.
The number 1400 refers to the Model number of your Winchester shotgun.
Your winchester model 1897 shotgun was made by winchester in 1927.That makes your shotgun 84 years old.
Your winchester model 12 shotgun was made by winchester in 1947.
Winchester did not make a model 96 shotgun,they did make a model 97 shotgun however.
That will depend on the Model of shotgun you are asking about,along with the overall condition of your Winchester shotgun?