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It's not so much the model of air rifle it's the class of air rifle, and that is the PreCharged Pneumatic (PCP) class of air rifles. Makers like Air Arms, Evanix, Hammerli, and a few others are in this class. These produce more power than any C02, pump or springer air rifle, But these do cost a considerable amount more than a regular air rifle.

There are other PCP class air rifles that may, or may not be available in the UK like the ".25 cal AirForce Condor," "357 mm Benjamin Rogue," "50 Cal Sam Yang." All of these are extremely powerful PCP air rifles.

All air rifles sold in the U.K. have a power limit of 12 ftlb, no matter who makes it.

Don't get caught with one shooting more than that. You will get into big trouble because any more power will put it into the firearms category. If you want something with more power you will have to get a FAC. (Fire Arm Certificate)

See the link below that confirms this information. (read the section labeled. (Suitable air rifles for hunting)

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โˆ™ 2y ago

Other PCP class airguns such as the .25 cal AirForce Condor, 357mm Benjamin Rogue and 50 Cal Sam Yang may or may not be available in the UK. These are all very powerful PCP airguns.

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It depends on his level of maturity. If he really is mature, then most any of the current rifles that are driven by Pump, Spring, Gas Ram or C02 would be appropriate. I would stay away from the high end PCP (Precharges Pneumatic) air rifles as they are VERY expensive and powerful and are used by adults and professionals. The Daisy Red Ryder is considered a youth rifle for an 8 to 10 year old so I would not get him that. I suggest a Crosman model 1077. It's a C02 driven air rifle. It is a direct copy of the Ruger model 1022 firearm. See the #1 link below and watch the video. If you want something more powerful then see the #2 link below. I also suggest you read my BIO to understand air guns #3 Link. I would not buy him a BB rifle. they are not accurate. I would buy him a pellet rifle.

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hi buy a number 5 air rifle spring off ebay,as ive done,fit it to the gun, then crono it up you will be pushing,19.4 lb,basic.immediatly i chopped two coils from the spring then replaced it back in,now it crones to 12.01lb.good luck and happy hunting,best regards frank

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No. Just have to be old enough!

Do you have to have anything else besides money and age to buy an air rifle in Mississippi like a permit or something?

No. It just takes money and usually 18 years old to purchase an air rifle. Air rifles are not regulated by the ATF.