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The most popular way to prevent pregnancy are Birth Control, condoms and to just not have sexual intercourse. It is recommended to still use condoms while using birth control.

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Q: What is the most popular way to prevent pregnancy?
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Absolutely not ! The ONLY sure-fire way to prevent pregnancy - is to use a condom and/or the pill !

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Contaception does not eliminate a pregnancy in any way; it also does not prevent you from getting pregnant again. Once you are pregnant, that it it. So unless you are trying to prevent getting and STD, contraception isn't necessary. You can get rid of the pregnancy by using them and you cannot get pregnancy again so they are in no way helpful.

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Teen pregnancy can be improved my spreading awareness. Telling your friends about how to have safe sex is a great way to prevent teen pregnancy. Knowing the facts about sex and how to not get pregnant.

Did other people propose any alternate solutions instead of birth control?

There are a few other pregnancy prevention solutions than just birth control. The most effective way to prevent pregnancy is not to have sex. If you do have sex, use a condom.

Can a condom kill sperm cells that's already in a girl?

Condoms don't prevent pregnancy by killing sperm, they prevent pregnancy by capturing sperm cells when the man ejaculates. Once a man ejaculates in a woman's vagina without a condom there is nothing a condom can retroactively do to prevent pregnancy. Best to put on a condom before intercourse. If you have ejaculated in a woman the best way to prevent pregnancy is the "morning after pill". It's a dose of hormones that can prevent ovulation.