The song Blue Christmas was recorded by many artists. The most popular being the version recorded by the late Elvis Presley. It is the most popular downloaded song during the Christmas season.
The most popular Korean song of all time is probably GangNam Style performed and written by PSY. With over 1 billion views on youtube it is also the most viewed videosong ever.
No, ELO has never recorded a Christmas song. Jeff say's it too commercial material.
Lady B was one of the first female rappers and is from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Her most popular rap song was the first song she recorded, "To the Beat Y'all."
pomp and circumstance
Hard Candy Christmas is the most popular Christmas song that was ever released by Dolly Parton. The song was written for her film The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas.
The song Blue Christmas was recorded by many artists. The most popular being the version recorded by the late Elvis Presley. It is the most popular downloaded song during the Christmas season.
The song Blue Christmas was recorded by many artists. The most popular being the version recorded by the late Elvis Presley. It is the most popular downloaded song during the Christmas season.
the most popular song ever by escape the fate is ISSUES
Christmas must be something more?
silent night
R&B Christmas Songs are the popular latest Christmas SongsThe Number 1 is:"Hark the Herald Angels Sing" from A Mary Mary Christmas
Opinions vary as to the best Christmas song. Some of the most popular Christmas songs are "White Christmas", "The Chipmunk Song", "Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer", and "Jingle Bell Rock".
One of the most beloved aspects of the Christmas season is the music. Popular Christmas guitar tabs are Silent Night, oh Christmas Tree, Good King Wenceslas, The Christmas Song, White Christmas.
white Christmas...
There are a number of songs which go by the title "Christmas Wishes". The song that is most popular, however, was written and sung by Anne Murray. Other variations include "Christmas Wishes" by KidsOne.