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Any Pellet gun can be lethal. But the most powerful pellet guns and rifles are in the PCP class of weapons (PerCharged Pneumatic) these pellet rifles & guns can be charged to 3000 psi. A 12 gram C02 powerlett cylinder only produces 800 PSI. PCP airguns come in several sizes .177, .20, .22, .25, 9MM, 45 Cal and 50 Caliber. All of these are lethal. The larger bore ones can being down a large deer with ease.

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Q: What is the most lethal gun pellet?
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What pellet goes the farthest?

I would say a lead pellet with pointing little tip should be blue . A head shot to. A turkey at 40 yards is lethal. Ps a oiled gun will help to. Check local gun laws and conservation laws before u use a rifle that u know is lethal. Be safe and have fun

Whats the most lethal gun?

The AK-47 is the most lethal gun because you can learn how to use it in one hour or less. It is also the most produced weapon in the world.

Can you shoot a pheasant with a pellet gun?

It depends on the model and the caliber of the Pellet gun.

What is the most deadliest gun in the world?

Any gun is capable of being lethal. If you wanted a "most lethal", maybe the 155mm howitzer, which is capable of launching tactical battlefield nuclear nuke.

What happens if you ingested a gun pellet?

You will most likely just pass it.

How dangerous is a 22 caliber derringer?

any firearm, bb gun, pellet gun or anything that launches a projectile are dangerous. Just because a firearm is a small caliber does not mean its not dangerous or lethal. So VERY.

What animals can you shoot with an pellet gun?

Depends on the pellet gun, the distance, and the game laws where you live. Most pellet guns should not be used to hunt anything bigger than a squirrel. They do not have enough energy for a humane kill.

Which is faster BB gun or air soft gun?

In most cases it will be a BB gun. But Pellet guns exceed both the BB and the airsoft guns. Pellet guns can attain speeds over 1200 FPS.

What is the meaing of pulet gun?

I think you mean pellet gun. That is a gun that fires a small lead pellet but does not use gun powder. It uses compressed air or compressed gasses to push the pellet.

How much does a pellet gun that can kill a squirrel cost?

If it's a pellet gun them most pellet guns are capable of killing a squirrel. Check the FPS (Feet per Second) and if it's over 400 FPS that should be sufficient. Expect to pay $60 and up for a pellet gun. Crosman makes an excellent pellet gun that is rated at 610 FPS Called the American Classic and it cost $70. I also suggest using Hunting (Hollow point pellets) these will be the most effective.

What do have to do to buy a pellet gun?

In most states, you just have to be 18 years old.